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(2024, November). Do you know mathematics well enough to teach fourth grade? University of Michigan Distinguished University Professorship Lecture, Ann Arbor, MI, November 13, 2024. (slides) (video)

(2024, October). The power of teaching. University Commons Association Lecture, Ann Arbor, MI, October 30, 2024. (slides)

(2024, September). Disrupting myths in education: Challenging the pendulum swings. University Commons Association Lecture, Ann Arbor, MI, September 19, 2024. (slides)

(2024, August). Using the discretionary spaces in teaching to advance young children’s mathematical flourishing. Presentation at the Early Math Leadership Institute, Grand Rapids, MI, August 6, 2024. (slides)

(2024, June). What is the ‘work’ of mathematics teaching, and how can research contribute to it? Plenary address at NORMA 24, The Tenth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 4, 2024. (slides) (video)

(2024, May). Advancing young people’s mathematical flourishing: Disrupting false dichotomies. Keynote address at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s JimFest: A conference in honor of W. James Lewis, Lincoln, NE, May 30, 2024. (slides)

(2024, May). Liberating practice: Using the power of discretionary spaces. Presentation at the Tri-County Culturally Responsive Mathematics Institute's Spring Leadership Conference, Livonia, MI, May 14, 2024. (slides)

(2024, March). What is the matter (with)(of) the methods course? Distinguished Educator Keynote Address at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators, Anaheim, CA, March 28, 2024. (slides)

(2024, March). (w/ Darrius Robinson). Using discretionary spaces in teaching and leadership to advance students’ mathematical flourishing. Presentation at Teachers Development Group's 2024 Leadership Seminar on Mathematics Professional Learning, Portland, OR, March 7, 2024. (slides)

(2024, February). Harnessing the power of teaching to advance racial justice and students’ flourishing? Invited lecture for Temple University’s “Acres of Diamonds” in Education and Human Development Lecture Series, Philadelphia, PA, February 28, 2024. (slides for talk 2)

(2024, February). What would it take to harness the power of teaching for justice and for students’ flourishing? Invited lecture for Temple University’s “Acres of Diamonds” in Education and Human Development Lecture Series, Philadelphia, PA, February 28, 2024. (slides for talk 1)

(2024, January). Using discretionary spaces in teaching to advance students' mathematical flourishing. Presentation to Baltimore City Public Schools (secondary school administrators), Baltimore, MD, January 24, 2024. (slides)

(2024, January). Using discretionary spaces in teaching to advance students' mathematical flourishing. Presentation to Baltimore City Public Schools (elementary and middle school administrators), Baltimore, MD, January 23, 2024. (slides)


(2023, November). Making mathematics teaching work: Raising the power of discretionary spaces to disrupt injustice. Keynote address at the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics State Mathematics Conference, Winston-Salem, NC, November 9, 2023. (slides)

(2023, September). (w/ Darrius Robinson). (How) Can teaching support students’ positive identity development in and through mathematics? Presentation at the 2nd Annual Tri-County Culturally Responsive Leadership Fall Conference, Livonia, MI, September 21, 2023. (slides)

(2023, September). Disrupting injustice through mathematics teaching: Learning to see, connect with, and build students’ resources. Presentation at the 2023 IES Mathematics Summit (virtual), September 19, 2023. (slides) (video)

(2023, September). The power of teaching in the struggle for justice. Presentation to the Iowa Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Iowa City, IA, September 9, 2023. (slides)

(2023, September). The power of teaching in the struggle for justice. Invited presentation at the University of Iowa College of Education, Iowa City, IA, September 8, 2023. (slides)

(2023, July). The power of teaching mathematics in the struggle for justice. Keynote address at the 74th Annual Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Detroit, MI, July 19, 2023. (slides)

(2023, July). Inclusive practices to disrupt marginalizing patterns. Breakout session at the 74th Annual Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Detroit, MI, July 19, 2023. (slides)

(2023, July). Disrupting injustice through mathematics teaching that elevates students’ brilliance. Keynote address at the Council of the Great City Schools' Curriculum, Research, and Instructional Leaders Meeting, Portland, OR, July 12, 2023. (slides)

(2023, June). The power of teaching in the struggle for justice. Keynote address at the Robert Noyce Southeast Conference, Mobile, AL, June 2, 2023. (slides)

(2023, June). Inclusive practices to disrupt marginalizing patterns. Breakout session at the Robert Noyce Southeast Conference, Mobile, AL, June 2, 2023. (slides)

(2023, May). The power of teaching in the struggle for justice. Invited talk for Saint Anselm College’s Bean Distinguished Lecture Series, Manchester, NH, May 4, 2023. (slides)

(2023, April). Breakout session at the Ontario Association for Mathematics Education Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, April 28, 2023. (slides)

(2023, April). Dichotomies no more: (Em)Powering mathematics teaching. Keynote address at the Ontario Association for Mathematics Education Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, April 27, 2023. (slides)

(2023, March). (How) Could U.S. K-12 mathematics education actually be improved? Breaking the cycle of yo-yo reforms. Keynote address at the Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute's Committee of Academic Sponsors & Trustees Dinner, Berkeley, CA, March 3, 2023. (slides)

(2023, February). Could instructional materials improve mathematics teaching and learning? Learning Session with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA, February 14, 2023. (slides)


(2022, October). Listening as a fundamental practice of mathematics teaching for equity. Invited lecture at Universidad Arturo Prat’s Seminario de Investigación en Educación y Educación Matemática, Chile (virtual), October 27, 2022. (slides)

(2022, September). The work of teaching and the challenge of teacher education. Keynote address at the Mathematics Teachers’ Association (India) 4th Annual (Online) Conference, September 9, 2022. (slides)

(2022, February). Disrupting the normalized continuities of racial injustice: The imperative and opportunity for teacher education. Keynote address at the Association of Teacher Educators 2022 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, February 13, 2022. (slides)


(2021, December). (w/ Darrius Robinson). Making mathematics teaching work: Raising its power to disrupt white supremacy. Presentation for National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM) Beyond the Conference 2021 virtual series, December 14, 2021. (slides)

(2021, July). Understanding the power of teaching and its role (in)justice. Felix Klein Award Lecture at the 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Shanghai, China (virtual), July 14, 2021. (slides)

(2021, May). Leveraging the power of teaching to disrupt injustice. Keynote address at Duke University’s Virtual Noyce Conference, Durham, NC (virtual), May 26, 2021. (slides)

(2021, May). Disrupting injustice through mathematics teaching: Learning to see, connect with, and build students’ resources. Workshop for McHenry County College, Crystal Lake, IL (virtual), May 19, 2021. (slides)

(2021, May). (How) Can mathematics teaching disrupt white supremacy and oppression? Keynote address at Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung’s (Society for Empirical Educational Research’s) digi.GEBF21 Virtual Conference, May 11, 2021. (slides)

(2021, February). (How) Can mathematics teaching disrupt white supremacy and oppression? Colloquium in Mathematics Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY (virtual), February 1, 2021. (slides)

(2021, February). Preparing just teachers: Leveraging the disruptive potential of teacher education. Presentation at Levinsky College of Education's Teaching Practices Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel (virtual), February 1, 2021. (slides)

(2021, January). Making mathematics teaching work: Raising its power to disrupt white supremacy. Presentation for the University of Southern California Rossier School of Education’s 2020–2021 Lectures in Mathematics Education Series, Los Angeles, CA (virtual), January 27, 2021. (slides)


(2020, November). “Get up stand up”: Fighting systemic injustice through teaching. Presentation at the Long Island Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development’s Virtual Fall Networking Event, November 19, 2020. (slides)

(2020, July). “Get up stand up”: Fighting systemic injustice through teaching. Keynote address at the TeachingWorks Virtual Summer Institute, July 19, 2020. (slides) (video)

(2020, March). Supporting professionals to counteract racism and oppression in the discretionary spaces of their work. Presentation at the 2020 NCSM Virtual Conference, March 30, 2020. (slides)

(2020, March). (How) Can mathematics teaching and teacher education contribute to disrupting racism and oppression? Plenary address at the Michigan Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators’ Conversations among Colleagues 2020 Virtual Conference, March 21, 2020. (slides)

(2020, March). (w/ Imani Masters Goffney). Mathematics teaching and the pursuit of justice. Keynote address at Teachers Development Group’s Leadership Seminar on Mathematics Professional Development, Portland, OR, March 4, 2020. (slides)

(2020, February). (w/ Chandra L. Alston). The imperative and challenges of building and sustaining a skillful diverse teaching force. Presentation at the University of Michigan School of Education’s Educational Studies Colloquium, Ann Arbor, MI, February 27, 2020. (slides)

(2020, February). What is the use of instructional materials in practice? Presentation at the Council of Chief State School Officers’ High-Quality Instructional Materials and Professional Development Network Conference, Washington, DC, February 26, 2020. (slides)


(2019, December). (w/ Amber T. Willis). (How) Can mathematics teaching disrupt racism and oppression? Keynote address at California Mathematics Council’s 62nd Annual Conference, Pacific Grove, CA, December 8, 2019. (slides)

(2019, September). Teaching ambitiously: What does this mean, and what does it take? Keynote address at the National Council on Measurement in Education's Special Conference on Classroom Assessment, Boulder, CO, September 18, 2019. (slides)

(2019, August). Confronting and dismantling threats to our struggle for justice in classrooms. Keynote address at Birmingham Public Schools, Birmingham, MI, August 27, 2019. (slides)

(2019, July). Confronting and dismantling threats to our struggle for justice in classrooms. Keynote address at UnboundEd’s Summer 2019 Standards Institute, Los Angeles, CA, July 11, 2019. (slides)

(2019, July). Disrupting injustice through the power of teaching: What does “practice-based” teacher education have to do with it? Presentation at TeachingWorks Practice-Based Teacher Education Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI, July 8, 2019. (slides)

(2019, May). The power, possibility, and responsibility of education research to contribute to justice. Keynote address at Stanford Graduate School of Education’s 5th Annual SWAYWO Conference, Stanford, CA, May 24, 2019. (slides)

(2019, May). The power of teaching. Presentation at University of California, Irvine School of Education’s National Teacher Appreciation Day Celebration, Irvine, CA, May 7, 2019. (slides)

(2019, May). (w/ Amber T. Willis). Learning to do the work of teaching: Practice-based teacher education. Presentation at Sacramento State College of Education, Sacramento, CA, May 2, 2019. (slides)

(2019, April). The power of teaching. Lead speaker presentation at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ 2019 Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA, April 4, 2019. (slides)

(2019, April). What Is the responsibility of the mathematics education research community to address local, national, and global issues? Remarks at the opening session of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ 2019 Research Conference, San Diego, CA, April 1, 2019. (slides)

(2019, March). Disrupting injustice through the discretionary power of teaching. Plenary address at Teachers Development Group’s 2019 Leadership Seminar on Mathematics Professional Development, Portland, OR, March 1, 2019. (slides)

(2019, February). Disrupting patterns of injustice in mathematics discussions. Breakout session at Teachers Development Group’s 2019 Leadership Seminar on Mathematics Professional Development, Portland, OR, February 28 and March 1, 2019. (slides)

(2019, February). Teaching as communicating. Presentation at Anna Sfard’s Day at the University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel, February 17, 2019. (slides)

(2019, January). (How) Can teacher education advance equity? Keynote address at the McKnight Foundation’s Practice-Based Teacher Education Reception, Minneapolis, MN, January 24, 2019. (slides) (brief video of highlights)

(2019, January). The work of communicating equitably at work. Workforce Education Initiative presentation, Ann Arbor, MI, January 15, 2019. (slides) (video)


(2018, November). Civil rights and education: (How) Can teaching contribute to the building of a just democratic society? Presentation at Fox Run, Novi, MI, November 8, 2018. (slides)

(2018, November). (How) Can teaching disrupt racism and oppression? Hauben Distinguished Lecture at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, November 1, 2018. (slides) (video)

(2018, July). (What) Does practice-based teacher education have to do with disrupting racism and oppression? Presentation at the Practice-based Teacher Education Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI, July 16, 2018. (slides)

(2018, July). Ways to help our (grand)children learn. Invited faculty forum at Camp Michigania, Boyne City, MI, July 3, 2018. (slides)

(2018, July). Five myths about good teaching—and contradictory evidence from research. Invited faculty forum at Camp Michigania, Boyne City, MI, July 1, 2018. (slides)

(2018, June). The power of working on problems of practice with others. Keynote address at Wayne State University's Project REALM Lesson Study Conference, Detroit, MI, June 27, 2018. (slides)

(2018, June). (How) Can teaching contribute to the building of a just democratic society? Presentation at the Summer Institutes' Boosting Teacher Performance Conference, Livonia, MI, June 26, 2018. (slides)

(2018, June). Rising to the special responsibility of states for quality teaching. Presentation at the 2018 Southern Regional Education Board Annual Meeting and 67th Legislative Work Conference, Boca Raton, FL, June 23, 2018. (slides)

(2018, June). Learning to do the work of teaching: Practice-based teacher education. Seminar at Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile, June 19, 2018. (slides)

(2018, June). The power of teaching in growing the next generation of Chileans. Invited presentation at XIX Seminario Calidad y Gestión en Educación, Santiago, Chile, June 15, 2018. (slides)

(2018, June). The power of teaching: STEM education for a better world. Keynote address at Network of STEM Education Centers (NSEC) 2018 National Conference, Columbus, OH, June 8, 2018. (slides)

(2018, June). (How) Can mathematics teaching disrupt racism and oppression? Plenary address at the National Inquiry-Based Learning Conference, Austin, TX, June 1, 2018. (slides)

(2018, May). How well do we understand the role of mathematical knowing in teaching? Invited guest lecture at the University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, May 24, 2018. (slides)

(2018, May). Helping learners persevere in mathematics. Plenary address at the 2018 Holmboe Symposium, Oslo, Norway, May 23, 2018. (slides)

(2018, May). (How) Can mathematics contribute to the building of a just democratic society? Plenary address at the 2018 Holmboe Symposium, Oslo, Norway, May 23, 2018. (slides)

(2018, May). Beyond “stick with it”: Teaching children to persevere in mathematics. Keynote address at HMH Intervention Mathematics Summit, Boston, MA, May 1, 2018. (slides)

(2018, April). Just dreams and imperatives: The power of teaching in the struggle for public education. Presidential Address at 2018 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY, April 15, 2018. (slides) (video)

(2018, March). The power of transformative teaching to disrupt racism, marginalization, and inequity: The role of faculty as transformative leaders in the academy. Invited lecture in Eastern Michigan University's Michael G. Morris Endowed Chair Transformative Leadership Speaker Series, Ypsilanti, MI, March 19, 2018. (slides)

(2018, March). What does it mean to be free in a world such as ours? Arthur F. Thurnau Professor speaker at the University of Michigan's 95th Annual Honors Convocation, Ann Arbor, MI, March 18, 2018. (transcript) (video)

(2018, January). The (im)possibilities of teaching mathematics. Presentation at the Weizmann Institute of Science's symposium in honor of Professor Ruhama Even, Rehovot, Israel, January 30, 2018. (slides)

(2018, January). Teaching mathematics in ways that disrupt patterns of inequity predominant in classrooms. Presentation at the Seventh International Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology, and Mathematics Education (epiSTEME 7), Mumbai, India (presented remotely), January 7, 2018. (slides) (video)